The Making of The Mystic's Story

Behind the Scenes Torrance Hig, guest director of the "Mystic" segment is best known as the creative force behind public access series Martial Arts Inc. and amateur/professional wrestling program, Pacific Slam! I sat down to talk to Mr. Hig over a plate of deep fried jalapenos at his hillside estate.

A very difficult shot
SLEEPLESS INFOTAINMENT WEBSITE: What first attracted you to the Crimestory project?
Hig: I wanted to try something truly experimental, but my producers at Martial Arts Inc. couldn't give me that freedom, understandably.
SIW: What techniques did you explore with this new opportunity?
Hig: I shot the entire scene upside down.
SIW: In what way?
Hig: In the opposite of direction from gravity.
SIW: I see.
Hig: The set monkeys--that's what Vertov people affectionately call the crew--had to glue everything to the table. Then, the actors were suspended from the ceiling by a complex system of harnesses--
SIW: It seems like quite a bit of trouble.
Hig: The hardest part was making the candle flame appear to burn right side up. They used miniature air ducts and vortex generators and who knows what--it would take a scientist to explain, and I'm in the humanities.
SIW: I suppose the question is, why upside down?
Hig: I'm afraid I don't understand your question.
SIW: I mean, what visual effect were you going for?
Hig: My "showbiz" colleagues tell me every means must lead to an end. A true filmmaker knows otherwise.
SIW: Ah.
Hig: You sound incredulous. Are you mocking me? I won't stand for this!
SIW: Calm down, dude.
Hig: I don't have to take this any more. If you'll excuse me, I have an appointment to videotape some teenagers in robes fighting.
SIW: Oh, the Karate Tournament.
Hig: No...

The Making of "The Militia"
The Making of "The Accountant"

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